Monday, November 14, 2011

last prayer of Lot's wife


Forgive me my transgressions
With my husband, I shall flee
but not before a final glance
at this land you're taking from me.
My earthly home dissipated
With destruction of the fiends
Burned in flames, turned to dust
As Sodom and Gomorrah ends.
I can not help to mourn
the loss of what I’ve known
I know this land is fraught with sin
but you’re taking away my home.
And my sons, they’ve stayed behind
Their hearts not up to par
We weren’t allowed to bring them
I think now you’ve gone too far.
You forbid me to look back
as though their sins are my fault
But I do not fail to steal a glance
and now I feel like salt…

**posted for magpie tales 91


  1. eeeppp! definitely the epitomy of not looking back...though we do often when taken from what has become familiar...sin or otherwise...

  2. Is it wrong to yearn for that one last glance, before you disappear?

    Arnab Majumdar

  3. ugh...good play on lot...and def. a reminder to not looking back..even if what is ahead is much more unfamiliar than what we leave..

  4. I love the ending very much,
    "But I do not fail to steal a glance
    and now I feel like salt…"

  5. Sometimes a final glance is necessasry....this is wise and beautiful Caty.

  6. Perfect ... memories of all those Bible stories during my childhood. That one always stood out for some reason .. you wrote a beautiful poem.

  7. You've done a great job with this one.

    Loving the ending...


  8. Ooh, excellent take on the prompt.

  9. What a powerful poem... I like it (that's such a neat photograph--like maybe the story of Lot being told on the set for "Our Town" with the chairs in the cemetery)

  10. Outstanding take on the prompt! Wow!


♪♪ Would love for you to leave your mark ♪♪