Friday, February 10, 2012

The Calling (magical realism)

fledge 400.jpg (43416 bytes)
                  "Fledge" 2005 painting by Steven Kenny                     
(In his paintings, Steven Kenny combines detailed realism, surrealism, and symbolism to convey the universal language of nature. Kenny received his BFA from Rhode Island School of Design, he currently lives in Washington, VA.)

I shall prepare myself to take this plunge.
I stand edged upon the cliff’s meager door
longing for escape from man’s excess grunge.
Man’s hate and judgement tearing at my core,
I desire to play human nevermore.
I strip of my guise, wait at Heaven’s gate
I close my eyes, feeling as eagles soar
and as part of them, I crave to migrate.

The ugliness of mortal be expunged,
let nature’s vast beauty within me pour
and into it love and peace will be blunged
to re-birth a carefree ocean once more.
The earth is tired of man’s lust, rage, and gore.
I seek absolution of sin and wait
for the birds to sing into me their lore
and as part of them, I crave to migrate.

Their wisdom, I will soak up as a sponge
and in my being, it shall remain stored.
And it shall transpire from within my young;
to love and accept will be their one chore.
And we will play human nevermore
because mortals are much too full of hate.
I know, I was a human once, before
the birds sang and called for me to migrate.

I looked upon my ankles as they tore
and spread two angel wings sealing my fate
to fly free with the birds forever more
as part of them, I am called to migrate.

*linking up to Real Toads for Kerry's Wednesday "Magical Realism" challenge and to Dverse for the FormForAll French Ballades II


  1. As to form really well written. As to substance, you packed a lot into the form. As magical realism it works, with a tip of the hat to Joycean stream of consciousness, to Yeatsian rebellion and protest, and with a feel of mythology (thinking Icarus undertones). So amazing really to get all that done in one! Fine work.

  2. I haven't checked out the form for all this week, but I note some similarities with the sestina's repetition of end words: I think your choice of words were splendid, particularly the notion derived from the word 'migrate'. Your poem is definitely not light-weight and must have taken lots of hard work. I'm so glad you found inspiration in Kenny's work and rose to the challenge of magical realism in form.

  3. wow caty you took on one of the harder forms i have ever written and did it with style...this is very well done...also like the subject matter...i know that need to migrate...smiles...

  4. Caty- I am impressed... you have aced the form while combining it with Real Toads prompt, too. I really like this!

  5. A lot here; for me the poem warmed up especially as it moved along, and you became more of the bird. Well done!

    The picture freaked me out though--I have incredibly bony feet that are causing me a fair amount of pain at the moment--it was like my future looking out at me! K.

  6. This is powerful..a moving statement of the ugliness man can demonstrate....yes I too wish to fly with wings of peace.

  7. Human's make life way too complicated. The form is so powerful. I keep meaning to learn more about magical realism.

  8. Caty, this is intense and good!

  9. Amazing, I love how intense and powerful your imagery is~ So well done!!!

  10. Wow, this is an amazing poem, power images and a lot to ponder.

  11. Hi Caty! I hope that you are having a spifftastic weekend. :-)

  12. we got about 8 inches of snow...lost most of it through the day today...still got a 2 hour delay in the morning from re freezing melt...but was def a fun day

  13. Caty...
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End


♪♪ Would love for you to leave your mark ♪♪