Wednesday, February 29, 2012


(picture found on google images)

I’ll take the dream I had last night
And put her in the freezer
Hide her behind the frozen steak
And hope nobody sees her.

I’ll take the wishes on my lips
And place them on the burner
I’ll boil them until pristine
and preserve them in my armor

I’ll take the hope behind my eyes
And place him in the kiln
I’ll toast him to a golden brown
And cover him with film.

I’ll save them for that stormy day-
my dream, my wishes, my hope-
and with them prepare a pleasing feast,
one sure to quell my mope.

**linking to OLN at dVerse

** "Frozen dream" was my inspiration today, Shel Silverstein always a favorite of mine in childhood. I used his first two lines to get mine started, an idea given by Mary Oliver from Real Toads on Friday's challenge.  It helped me wake up my comatose muse and at least get her semi-conscious! 

Shel Silverstein

I'll take the dream I had last night
And put it in my freezer,
So someday long and far away
When I'm an old grey geezer,
I'll take it out and thaw it out,
This lovely dream I've frozen,
And boil it up and sit me down
A dip my old cold toes in.”
― Shel SilversteinA Light in the Attic

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Calling (magical realism)

fledge 400.jpg (43416 bytes)
                  "Fledge" 2005 painting by Steven Kenny                     
(In his paintings, Steven Kenny combines detailed realism, surrealism, and symbolism to convey the universal language of nature. Kenny received his BFA from Rhode Island School of Design, he currently lives in Washington, VA.)

I shall prepare myself to take this plunge.
I stand edged upon the cliff’s meager door
longing for escape from man’s excess grunge.
Man’s hate and judgement tearing at my core,
I desire to play human nevermore.
I strip of my guise, wait at Heaven’s gate
I close my eyes, feeling as eagles soar
and as part of them, I crave to migrate.

The ugliness of mortal be expunged,
let nature’s vast beauty within me pour
and into it love and peace will be blunged
to re-birth a carefree ocean once more.
The earth is tired of man’s lust, rage, and gore.
I seek absolution of sin and wait
for the birds to sing into me their lore
and as part of them, I crave to migrate.

Their wisdom, I will soak up as a sponge
and in my being, it shall remain stored.
And it shall transpire from within my young;
to love and accept will be their one chore.
And we will play human nevermore
because mortals are much too full of hate.
I know, I was a human once, before
the birds sang and called for me to migrate.

I looked upon my ankles as they tore
and spread two angel wings sealing my fate
to fly free with the birds forever more
as part of them, I am called to migrate.

*linking up to Real Toads for Kerry's Wednesday "Magical Realism" challenge and to Dverse for the FormForAll French Ballades II

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Heaven's Gain

                            a grave at the Novodevichy Cemetery, Moscow                          
You cradled my heart amid
those delicate appendages,
and now I shall lavish roses
over your tiny sarcophagus.
and while I will mourn
the end of your essence,
I shall persist and honor
your short, sweet existence.
Now I lay you down to sleep
I pray, sweet baby, may
you rest in peace.

**In memory of those babies lost over the 10 years I've been a NICU nurse.

Linking up to Magpie Tales and OLN over at dVerse. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cows and Kisses

It was a strange day When Harry Met Sally
at Four Weddings and a Funeral.
He embraced her in the church’s alley
where he cried for his dead uncle, O’Malley
shedding tears that soaked right through her shawl.

So Sally blotted his eyes and impatiently sighed,
“This is all Much Ado about Nothing, now.
We must get to My Best Friend’s Wedding, please abide.”
That’s when Sally heard the groom exclaim, “Runaway Bride!”
and turned to see her friend, Mary, fleeing on a cow.

Sally yelled, “it’s such a foolish sight to see one flee by cattle!”
Mary cried, “Well, you know I’ve Never Been Kissed
and worrying about it has left me Sleepless in Seattle.”
“Now, now, I know just who can help you with this battle.”
So Sad Harry kissed Prude Mary, and boy, was Groom pissed.

You see, everyone knows, There’s Something about Mary
She’s a Pretty Woman; she’s As Good As It Gets
She’s All That, just ask the groom, Sally, and Harry.
It’s Crazy Stupid Love; they know she’ll never marry,
for Mary has a new philosophy: "Friends with Benefits”.

**just having some fun with the movie prompt at Real Toads.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Drugs, Baby"

I can say it is a somber muse;
The one that comes from drug abuse

Innocence born craving
And the opiate enslaving

A product of her mom’s addiction
Withdrawal-her unfair affliction

Sleepless hours, frantic cries
Jitters, fevers, questioning eyes

And, Mom, it’s hard to face the truth
Baby’s sick ‘cause of your drug use.

I’ve never walked in your shoes,
but can I ask what made you choose

to ignore the damage you would cause
and keep taking drugs without pause?

**Unfortunately, I take care of a lot of babies born addicted to drugs.  At this time, there are 8 "drug babies" in our unit.  I got to shower one of them with love last night.  She is beautiful and sweet, and it makes me sad to see her struggling with something that could have been prevented. 

linking up to OLN at dVerse