(picture found on google images)
I’ll take the dream I had last night
And put her in the freezer
Hide her behind the frozen steak
And hope nobody sees her.
I’ll take the wishes on my lips
And place them on the burner
I’ll boil them until pristine
and preserve them in my armor
I’ll take the hope behind my eyes
And place him in the kiln
I’ll toast him to a golden brown
And cover him with film.
I’ll save them for that stormy day-
my dream, my wishes, my hope-
and with them prepare a pleasing feast,
one sure to quell my mope.
**linking to OLN at dVerse
**linking to OLN at dVerse
** "Frozen dream" was my inspiration today, Shel Silverstein always a favorite of mine in childhood. I used his first two lines to get mine started, an idea given by Mary Oliver from Real Toads on Friday's challenge. It helped me wake up my comatose muse and at least get her semi-conscious!
I'll take the dream I had last night
And put it in my freezer,
So someday long and far away
When I'm an old grey geezer,
I'll take it out and thaw it out,
This lovely dream I've frozen,
And boil it up and sit me down
A dip my old cold toes in.”
― Shel Silverstein, A Light in the Attic
I'll take the dream I had last night
And put it in my freezer,
So someday long and far away
When I'm an old grey geezer,
I'll take it out and thaw it out,
This lovely dream I've frozen,
And boil it up and sit me down
A dip my old cold toes in.”
― Shel Silverstein, A Light in the Attic